skrng minggu exam la...
aduh..minggu exam study smart k...kepada rakan2 sume.....
pak nil ke ni?
ish manohara lag!
sumber :
Vonis majelis hakim yang dipimpin Shazali Hidayat Shariff menjatuhkan vonis pada Kamis (5/11). Majelis hakim menilai Manohara dan ibunya, Daisy Fajarina, terbukti melakukan fitnah.
"Saya belum tahu secara jelas keputusannya seperti apa. Makanya, saya akan konsultasi dulu dengan pengacara saya biarkan mereka yang akan berbicara," ungkap Daisy yang ditemui di kediamannya di Kawasan Slipi, Jakarta Barat, Kamis (4/11) malam.
Daisy pun menegaskan, apa yang diputuskan oleh Pengadilan di Malaysia belumlah menjadi keputusan yang mutlak. Pihaknya pun bersiap untuk melakukan banding karena merasa diperlakukan secara tidak adil.
"Itukan bukan keputusan mutlak, kita masih bisa banding, itu masih panjang prosesnya. Kalau tante sendiri belum dengar secara pasti, jadi seperti yang tante katakan, kalau urusan hukum kita serahkan kepada pengacara," ujar Daisy.
Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, Tengku Fakhry menggugat Manohara dan Daisy Fajarina karena dinilai telah menyebarkan fitnah. Fakhry tersinggung dituding telah melakukan KDRT dan kekerasan seksual. (kpl/adt/dar)
NEW TaXi DrIvEr....
Kejadian ini terjadi pada malam Jumaat yang lalu. Namanya, Fasha.
Kerana terlalu sibuk dan banyak kerja yang harus dibuat dan
disiapkan dalam minggu ini maka, Fasha harus bekerja sampai larut
malam di ofis. Ketika ingin pulang Susi menahan teksi untuk
mengantarnya pulang.
Fasha: "Kampung Sungai Ramal Dalam ya Pak cik"
Pak cik kereta sewa itu hanya menggangguk, didalam perjalanan ke
Kampung Sungai Ramal Dalam tidak terjadi percakapan antara Fasha
dan Pak cik kereta sewa, mungkin Fasha merasa kepenatan kerna
bekerja sampai larut malam. 20 minit lamanya keheningan terjadi,
tiba-tiba Fasha teringat bahawa duit yang dibawanya tidak cukup
untuk membayar tambang kereta sewa. Fasha lalu menepuk bahu
belakang Pak cik kereta sewa dengan maksud untuk memberitahu supaya
berhenti di kedai minyak didepan untuk mengambil duit di ATM.
Tapi tiba2 setelah bahu belakangnya ditepuk oleh Fasha, Pak cik
kereta sewa itu secara membabi buta memusing stering kereta sewanya
ke kanan kemudian ke kiri sambil berteriak bagai kan orang kena
histeria, sampai akhirnya kereta sewa itu merempuh tembok
penghadang jalan. Nasib baik Fasha dan Pak cik kereta sewa tidak
mengalami luka parah.
Pak cik kereta sewa itu kemudian meminta maaf kepada Fasha.
Pakcik: "Maaf ya cik, cik tak apa-apa ya? Kenapa di tepuk bahu saya
cik, terkejut setengah mati saya cik!!"
Fasha: "Laa, takkan ditepuk bahunya saja sudah terkejut!!"
Pakcik: "Sebab hari ini hari pertama saya jadi drebar kereta sewa,
Fasha: "Habis tu sebelum ni apa pekerjaan pakcik?"
Pakcik: "Selama 20 tahun saya jadi Drebar Kereta Mayat..."
Fasha: "patutla...."
TESCO wat hall?
ni aku dapat dari email la...x tahu btl atau, beri la komen k.. Ayam keluaran Perak Duck yang dijual di Tesco didapati *TIDAK HALAL* dan telah disaman RM 5 juta. Disiarkan dalam NST ms. 26 dan Berita Harian. Ayam Tesco tak halal untuk makluman semua !!! Coca-cola Terdapat bendasing dalam coca cola yg belum dibuka. Kopi Pahlawan Kopi yg dilaporkan mengandungi racun membawa maut. GSB Seafood Ent Bebola ikan yg diproses dari usus babi Sila war-warkan kpd kawan². TQ SUMBER DARI :- Ms Junaidah SHEIKH MOHD NAZRI BIN SHEIK ABU Unit Pengurusan Pengairan Bahagian Pembangunan Taman Jabatan Landskap & Taman PERBADANAN PUTRAJAYA Tel : 03-88877530 / 012-3387640 |
harga datuk siti?
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artis terlibat dalam kemalangan maut?
Tarikh: 5 Nov 2009
Jam: 1 pagi
Info: Nama penunggang motosikal- maut di tempat kejadian ialah Tuan Mohamad Nul Hakim Tuan Long, 21 tahun berasal dari Pengkalan Kubor, Tumpat, Kelantan.
Kereta yang melanggar adalah kepunyaan seorang artis popular dan punca kemalangan maut ini masih dalam siatan pihak polis.
black bersama kekasihnye BABE...semoga bahagia ye black
JaNdA AkHiL Hyy RaKaM AlBum...BtL Ker???
Sumber: mstaronline
Ahmad busu sakit???
PELAKON dan pelawak terkenal Ahmad Busu kini terlantar di Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya (PPUM) setelah mengalami serangan strok dua hari lepas.
Ahmad Busu yang terkenal dengan watak Mat Deris dalam sitkom popular Pi Mai Pi Mai Tang Tu tidak sangka keghairahannya memakan buah durian menyebabkan dirinya kini terlantar di hospital.
Pantang larang waktu makan
Berikut adalah beberapa pantang larang yang berkaitan dengan makan:
1. Makan mencangkung payah dapat rezeki.
2. Makan dalam belanga dapat anak rupa hodoh.
3. Makan beras mentah dapat penyakit kuning.
4. Makan telur tembelang dapat penyakit barah.
5. Makan kepala ayam nanti mengantuk semasa bersanding.
6. Makan sisa anak nanti anak menjadi degil.
7. Makan dalam pinggan sumbing dapat anak bibir sumbing.
8. Makan tak basuh pinggan nanti lambat dapat menantu.
9. Makan pisang kembar nanti dapat anak kembar.
10. Makan piggan bertindih nanti beristeri dua.
11. Makan sambil berjalan akan dapat penyakit perut.
12. Makan buah berangan songsang, nanti lambat dapat jodoh.
13. Makan nasi di senduk nanti payah dapat rezeki.
14. Tidur selepas makan nanti perut jadi buncit.
Life of museum
Women and Hajj , Umrah
Her period came before she did her Umrah
Menses does not prevent a woman from entering ihraam for Hajj and Umrah, but it is haraam for her to circumambulate the Kabah until after her menses ends. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to Aaishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) when she got her menses before entering Makkah: “Do everything that the pilgrim does but do not circumambulate the House until you become pure (i.e., your menses ends). Agreed upon.
It is proven in Saheeh al-Bukhaari that when she became pure, she circumambulated the Kabah and did saai between al-Safa and al-Marwah. This indicates that if a woman gets her menses before doing tawaaf, she should not do tawaaf and saa’i until she becomes pure.
Based on this, what you wife must do is wait until she becomes pure, and then circumambulate the Kabah and do saai between al-Safa and al-Marwah, then cut her hair. Then she will have completed her umrah. And she does NOT have to offer a ransom for having gotten her menses when she was in ihraam.
Women Kissing the Black Stone
Is it correct for a woman when kissing the Black Stone to uncover her face when there are men near her ?
Kissing the Black Stone during tawaaf is Sunnah muakkadah (a confirmed Sunnah), it is one of the Sunnahs of tawaaf if it is possible to do that without crowding or disturbing anyone by your actions, following the example of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in that.
If it can only be done by crowding and disturbing others, then it should not be done; in that case it is sufficient to point to it with ones hand, especially for women, because the woman is awrah and because crowding is not prescribed for men, so that applies even more so to women. If it is easy for a woman to kiss the Black Stone without crowding, it is not permissible for her to uncover her face when doing so, because there are men who are not her mahrams in that place.
She wore the Burqa (face veil) when in Ihraam and she did not know that it is Haraam
Is it permissible for a woman to wear the burqa’ (a kind of face veil) when in ihraam? My family wore it and when they came back from Hajj they were told that their Hajj was not acceptable, because they wore the burqa ?
Wearing the burqa is NOT permissible for a woman in ihraam, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Women should not wear niqaab or gloves.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari.
But there is no sin on a woman who wears the burqa in ihraam if she is unaware of the prohibition, and her Hajj is valid.
If she was aware and still she wore the burqa it means she has done a sin.
And Allaah is the Source of strength. May Allaah send blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions. End quote.
Standing Committee for Academic Research and Issuing Fatwas
Shaykh Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Abd-Allaah ibn Baaz, Shaykh Abd al-Razzaaq Afeefi, Shaykh Abd-Allaah ibn Qaood.
Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah li’l-Buhooth al-‘Ilmiyyah wa’l-Ifta (11/190-192).
She did Umrah and forgot to Cut her Hair, then she did Umrah again
I did umrah and forgot to cut my hair, then I went and entered ihraam for another umrah [straight after the first one], and I did tawaaf and saai then cut my hair.
What is the ruling on my first and second umrahs, and what should I do ?
I asked our Shaykh Abd al-Rahmaan al-Barraak about this and he replied:
Doing one umrah after another is not valid according to the fuqaha of the Muslims, so the second umrah does not count and the cutting of the hair is counted for the first umrah.
Can a woman enter Ihraam when she is wearing Gold ?
It is permissible for a woman to enter ihraam with bangles or rings of gold on her hands, and so on, but it is prescribed for her to conceal that from non-mahram men, lest they be tempted by her.
Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in Majmoo Fataawa Ibn Uthaymeen (22/201): There is nothing wrong with a woman wearing whatever she wants of gold when entering ihraam, so long as that does not reach the level of extravagance, even rings and bangles on the hands, but in that case she should conceal it from non-mahram men lest any temptation occur.
(source- islam-qa)
She wants to go for Umrah but She Does Not have a Mahram
A woman who does not have a mahram to travel with does not have to go for Hajj or Umrah, and she is excused if she does not go. It is haraam for her to travel for Hajj or for any other reason without a mahram, and she has to be patient until Allaah makes it easy for one of her mahrams to travel with her.
The ways of goodness are many. If a Muslim cannot do one act of worship, he may strive hard in those acts of worship that he can do, until Allaah makes it easy for him to do the acts of worship that he could not do.
By the bounty of Allaah towards His believing slaves, if a person resolves to do an act of worship but he is unable to do it because of some excuse, he will be granted the reward of one who does it. Al-Bukhaari (4423) narrated from Anas ibn Maalik (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came back from the campaign of Tabook and when he drew close to Madeenah he said: “In Madeenah there are some people who, whenever you marched or crossed a valley, were with you.” They said: “O Messenger of Allaah, but they were in Madeenah.” He said, “They were in Madeenah because some excuse kept them back.”
The scholars of the Standing Committee said:
A woman who does not have a mahram does not have to do Hajj, because in her case a mahram is part of being able to do Hajj, and being able to do it is one of the conditions of Hajj being obligatory. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“And Hajj (pilgrimage to Makkah) to the House (Kabah) is a duty that mankind owes to Allaah, those who can afford the expenses (for one’s conveyance, provision and residence)”
[Aal ‘Imraan 3:97]
It is not permissible for her to travel for Hajj or for any other purpose unless she is accompanied by her husband or a mahram, because of the report narrated by al-Bukhaari and Muslim from Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him), that he heard the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: “No man should be alone with a woman unless her mahram is present, and no woman should travel unless she has a mahram with her.”
A man stood up and said: “O Messenger of Allaah, my wife has gone out for Hajj, and I have enlisted for such and such a campaign.” He said: “Go and do Hajj with your wife.” This was also the view of al-Hasan, al-Nakha’i, Ahmad, Ishaaq, Ibn al-Mundhir and ashaab al-ra’i, and it is the correct view, because of the verse quoted, as well as the general meaning of the ahaadeeth which forbid a woman to travel without her husband or a mahram. Maalik, al-Shaafa’i and al-Awzaa’i held a different opinion and each of them stipulated a condition (allowing her to do that), but with no evidence. Ibn al-Mundhir said: they did not follow the apparent meaning of the hadeeth, and each of them stipulated a condition (allowing her to do that), but with no evidence.
Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah li’l-Buhooth al-‘Ilmiyyah wa’l-Ifta’, 11/90, 91
And they said:
If the situation is as described – that it is not easy for your husband or a mahram of yours to travel with you to perform the obligation of Hajj – then you are not obliged to do it so long as this is the case, because the accompaniment of your husband or mahram on the journey for Hajj is one of the conditions of Hajj being obligatory for you. It is haraam for you to travel for Hajj or for any other purpose without that, even if you go with your brother’s wife and a group of women, according to the correct scholarly view, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “No woman should travel except with a mahram.” (Saheeh – agreed upon). That is unless your brother also travels with his wife, in which case it is permissible to travel with him, because he is a mahram for you. Strive to do righteous deeds that do not need you to travel, and be patient in the hope that Allaah will make things easier for you and enable you to go for Hajj with your husband or mahram.
Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah li’l-Buhooth al-‘Ilmiyyah wa’l-Ifta’, 11/96.
And Allaah knows best.
hhati2 dengan pelekat or kertas kat cermin kereta!!
Sedarlah semua! Tolong sebar2kan... .... Kita berjalan menghampiri tempat parking, membuka kerata dan masuk kedalamnya. Kita start engine kereta dan bersedia untuk berundur. Bila kita melihat cermin belakang untuk melihat kawasan belakang, kita dapati ada kertas yg melekat ditengah2 cermin belakang menghalang pandangan kita..
Jadi kita parking balik kereta, buka pintu dan keluar untuk menanggalkan kertas (atau apa jua benda) yang menghalang penglihatan kita tadi. Bila anda sampai dibahagian belakang kereta, pada masa itulah pencuri itu akan keluar dari tempat sembunyinya, masuk kedalam kereta dan memecut pergi.
Dia mungkin akan merempuh anda dengan laju semasa mereka melarikan kereta anda. Perasan tak kaum hawa? Saya pasti beg duit kita masih didalam kereta. Jadi sekarang pencuri memperolehi kereta kita, alamat rumah kita, duit kita, dan kunci2 kita. Rumah kita dan kesemua identity kita telah diperolehi!